Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can kill your soul

Jeffrey Levine
3 min readMay 20, 2021


It is hard enough that we have a war of terror, but we are in a war of words, lies, cursing, swearing on social media. This war of words and lies is being led by Government as well.

This war is a religious war.

It is a war about who is the representative of God in the world. This is a 2000-year-old War led initially by the Christians and then by the Muslims and now liberalism.

This is a war by the Liberal Left, the Black Lives Matter and White supremacy, the EU against the Moral calling of the words and laws of God, against the teachings, morals of the Torah.

All ganging up on the Jews and their homeland of 3,000 years — Israel.

It is a war against the Jewish God.

I know I have portraited a simplified version. But this I believe is the root cause of this conflict.

It is a war against the label of the Chosen People, of which the world demands a higher standard of behaviour, ethics and morals.

We pray that the Temple will be rebuilt speedily in days and that we have a share in the Torah. This is how we end our prayers 3 times a day. It looks like a very provocative Prayer. Not exactly a calling for Peace. However, we need to look at what the concept of the Temple was and God willing will be - a House of Love and Prayer for all the Nations.

So, let’s look for some inspiration into this week Parsha.

The most famous, powerful and still practised blessing is in this weeks Parsha. The Priestly blessing.

MAY GOD bless you and protect you!

MAY GOD deal kindly and graciously with you!

MAY GOD bestow His favour upon you and grant you peace!

In this we ask God for:

Ø A blessing

Ø Protection

Ø His face to shine on us

Ø And for God to gracious

Ø For God to turn his face to us

Ø Grant us Peace.

This is an impassioned calling for God’s compassion, kindness, protection and peace.

In fact, this is a prototype of how we should behave. If we do not live by this calling, we are failing as a Person, as a Community or Country.

If we all lived by this, then the world will be beautiful and we would have Shalva (Tranquility) and World Peace.

So, how did the world go so wrong? This blessing has the power to bring Material success and Spiritual success.

The blessing starts off with May Hashem bless you. Who is the you?

I think the answer to all of this is how you interpret you.

Is it only the Jewish people, Israel, only me or is a more inclusive of all the peoples of world, including our neighbours and those who are different?

We need to share the love. The world needs to be more compassionate. Religion, mankind needs to be kind and seek real peace.

If you are looking for further inspiration. please join this online event hosted by the students and followers Reb Shlomo Carlebach.





Jeffrey Levine
Jeffrey Levine

Written by Jeffrey Levine

Jeffrey Levine provides CFO, Director, ESG Advisory Services through and is a promoter of ideas and trends where Innovation meets ESG

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