Hey, what’s all the fuss about Climate Change?

Jeffrey Levine
9 min readNov 4, 2021


Why are all the world leaders at this COP26 event?

Maybe it is a universal prayer meetup to call on God to save the Planet. ( oops — I mentioned the word God)

Is climate change more really important than world peace, or dealing with a solution to the 2 billion people living in extreme poverty?

What do we really know?

In all seriousness, This blog is being shared on the occasion of the COP26 summit bringing world leaders and activists to accelerate action on climate change. https://ukcop26.org

This blog is a much required reading for anybody who wants to make a practical change in the fight for climate change or people looking for real business, investment, and partnering opportunities.

So buckle up as I present 4 critical areas of Impact. Not only the environment but also with social impact.

We are going to hear about pledges, targets, maybe some announcements of Funding, and some new Legislation.

Let’s start with a few tough questions:

Ø Is most of this lip service or can really make a change?

Ø The question of who is responsible for environmental damage — governments or big businesses, small businesses, or consumers?

Ø Are many of the current initiatives just greenwashing?

So, before I give my valued experience and insight here, I have to introduce you to a few basic terms.

Here is my survey — How many of you know what these terms are and why is this important to know when you are running your business.



Ø Offsets vs Reduction

Ø Net Zero

Full Disclosure — I am very passionate about this discussion about environmental and social Impact. These two go together. We — man, have exploited both the environment in pursuit of profit and lifestyle. It is time for a rethink.

In this article, I will explore some very important themes and promote some initiatives that I am involved in or consider worthy of being highlighted. You are welcome to scroll through my blogs on Times of Israel, Medium https://innovation-esg.medium.com/ or my website www.persofi.com where you can find my presentation to the University of Jerusalem Business School titled where ESG meets Innovation. I also manage a Linkedin group with 9,000 members — ESG -Climate Change — Invest for a better World

Topic no 1 — ESG — Environment, Social and Governance

One thing that is clear is there is sense of purpose by Government, Businesses, and the Individual to be on the same page. Many Businesses have voluntarily adopted ESG principles which are based on UN SDG or forced by investors, coerced by staff or customers, and now by legislation.

This process has started and will be the biggest change to the way Financial Statements are going to be prepared and reported. Here I wear my accountant hat. We can go back to the 1930s when Accounting Standards started and until today not much has changed. Now — Companies are going to be required by law to calculate the cost of the business to the environment and provide for liabilities. So, no longer can big mining and petrol companies get away with the exploitation of the world's natural resources — Big brother is watching. The ship has sailed. If you as a business owner fail to get on the ESG ship, then you run the risk of drowning.

These issues are further explored in a book called “Accountants can the Planet” by Professor Mervyn King who together with Sir Ronald Cohen are leading the fight for greater transparency and accounting by companies for Impact / ESG. Sir Ronald Cohen is based in Israel has brought out a few books one of which is called “IMPACT: Reshaping Capitalism to Drive Real Change”.


ESG affects all Companies as all companies are suppliers to larger companies who require supply chain oversight. This should not only be viewed as a risk, but more importantly, this is an opportunity.

Advert no 1 — If you want to learn more about ESG, and want a clear strategy and real implementation of how to transition to your company, or receive a copy of my ESG White Paper — please be in contact with me at: jeffrey@persofi.com

Topic no 2 — Food Waste and Consumption

Let’s face it we live in the consumer age. We consume a lot without any regard to how the food got there.

Milk, chicken, meat, fish, fruit, and vegetable all have an environmental cost. We are faced with everyday decisions that can have an impact on the environment — to use the lift or walk up the stairs? To drive or walk or cycle? To recycle or not?

Are we mindful of this? Vegans are. People and businesses are looking for alternatives to eggs, milk, and meat. Food Tech is now a big business.

Did you know that the cost of food waste in the UK is GBP 10.2 Billion, in Israel a net US$ 4 Billion, and in the USA a staggering $161 billion?

Food Waste is a major worldwide problem. The EU subsidizes over Euro 40 billion annually to Farmers in the EU. There are huge Imbalances in this important human need. There is an inert need to oversupply because of the risk of food shortages. Currently, waste is in excess of 2.5 billion tons with a high cost of $400 billion a year and In Europe 40- 60 % of all Fish caught is discarded.

So, what can be done about this?

There are some wonderful initiates in Israel — See my blog “Taking a leaf out of Leket Israel battle against Food Waste”


I also refer you to look at https://carbontoken.tech whose mission is “Simply making zero carbon emissions part of people’s everyday lives”. Their App will make it easy for anyone to calculate their personal carbon emission — Donate + Subscribe and receive Carbon Token offset Certificate.

Advert no 2 — If you want to make a difference in the fight for climate change, looking for a business idea, find investors, become a co-founder of Carbon Token App then reach out to me. This is a well-defined Impact Business ready to go — please be in contact with me at: jeffrey@persofi.com

Topic no 3 — Offsets into Trees and Agriculture

Currently, there is a big drive for companies to offset to Forests, Tree Plantings. While this is nice, in our evolution of ideas for Carbon Token, we come up with promoting the offset into agriculture as opposed to just trees. This has a much wider impact than just the Environment, but also deals with wasted resources, food and has a big social impact footprint.

At this stage of the story, meet Ben and Gerry. Ben being me, about a year ago, I met Gerry who had ideas of doing crypto, blockchain for climate change. So, we created a start-up and put in the foundations of the Carbon Token App (See advert no 2). This then developed into http://carbon-token.io which utilizes Fintech (Cryptos) with blockchain to track food Bio Security and allow for carbon offsets into agriculture. The only problem was that we knew nothing about agriculture, and as they say, had no boots on the ground. So, after a little searching, I came across Dr. Nimrod Israely. (Visionary — the real deal) who at that time was concluding a four-month period in Senegal helping local farmers in 2,500 hectare Mango project where he putting together his Green Valley project.

Let me introduce you to Dr. Nimrod…This is his story and dream in his own words.

“Twenty-seven years ago, while I was spraying my orchards nearly daily (mostly at night), I dreamed of the day when there would be better technology with better results than spraying poisons.

It took me over twenty years before Biofeed completed the development of the 6th generation of Freedome, and I realized my dream in practice.

Then, I started dreaming about using the power of the Freedome breaking through technology to help farmers in emerging economies to double their income, bring prosperity and a better future.

It took me five years of design and development before we completed Green Valley’s large-scale POC (Proof of Concept), where we demonstrated for a fifth year in a row how farmers’ income can increase by 50% to 500% in a single season!

So, after all these years, we have Green Valley. And the key challenge that we are addressing is world poverty and how we can make a fundamental change to improve the lot of smallholder farmer holders”

For more reading see blog… https://innovation-esg.medium.com/how-can-you-help-fight-global-poverty-bd0b1ac7402c

Advert no 3 — as a result of learning in detail about Dr. Nimrod and his unique solution and approach, I truly believe Green Valley can make a real global impact and a real change in the livelihood of thousands of people in the fight against poverty and a more secure sustainable income. If you want to make a difference in the fight for poverty, provide financial backing as part of your company ESG footprint, help find investors, become an investor, or partner with Green Valley then reach out to me at jeffrey@persofi.com

Topic no 4 — Israel as the Impact or Scale-up Nation

At the COP26 Climate Change Conference in Scotland, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett pledged to mobilize Israel’s startup ecosystem to fight climate change.

Well, I am happy to play my part in this pledge. I am encouraging the set up of an Israel Innovation Environment Centre on Moshav Meor Moddim which was destroyed in a fire in May 2019. This is part of the Moshav rebuild vision which includes a base of tourism in the center of the country with a 100-room hotel, the Carlebach Heritage Visitor Centre, Functions and Conference Centre, and Restaurants. The location is very central between TA & JLM, 15 Minutes from Airport and 5 minutes from Modiin.

The Israel Innovation Environment Centre will be a showcase of leading Israel Environment Innovation connecting Israeli Innovation & Global climate change challenges:

Ø Tell the story of Israel’s global environment impact

Ø Showcasing new Innovation

Ø Collaborate with Players in the Eco-System

Ø The building itself will be sustainable and demonstrate many components

Ø PR and Marketing of Innovation and Proven Solutions — Export Centre

Ø Eco-Agriculture with the Moshav retaining 70 Dunum of land.

Ø Share this Innovation to the world by creating real Project and Investment opportunities

The Centre due to its central location and exhibitions will be a magnet for Environment Education hosting schools and other groups. Groups and visitors can combine this with an interactive musical tour of the Carlebach Visitor Centre showcasing a more open and dynamic Judaism.

Advert no 4 — as part of my role as a board member of the Shlomo Carlebach Foundation, there are opportunities for Impact Investors. Companies, NGO looking for PR / Sales & Marketing opportunities, then please reach out to me at jeffrey@persofi.com

In conclusion, I have presented 4 different solutions and approaches to fight not only climate change but also poverty and social aspects.

What we really need is awareness, education of tomorrow's leaders — our kids.

“If you see a darkness in the world then it is up to you to fix it”

— Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach



Jeffrey Levine
Jeffrey Levine

Written by Jeffrey Levine

Jeffrey Levine provides CFO, Director, ESG Advisory Services through www.persofi.com and is a promoter of ideas and trends where Innovation meets ESG

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